farming is already taking place in many cities and is also a topic of interest
for many organizations, cities and universities. The many positive aspects
(short transport paths, fresh products, improvement of the urban environment,
utilization of urban spaces, etc.) are convincing and highlight an area of
great potential.
isolated cases, subterranean urban areas such as old subway stations or
existing underground spaces such as bunkers or underground chambers are already
being used to produce agricultural products.
on the ‘Underground Farming’ conceptual study, SCAUT seeks to investigate the
utilization of subterranean spaces for the production of foods in cooperation
with interested representatives of the food and agricultural sectors.
Ecological aspects play a significant role here (short transport paths, a recycling
economy, optimization of production conditions, etc.).
Round Table Underground Farming
On 9th March 2018 SCAUT hosted a round table
workshop with experts and stakeholders from the agricultural and food industry
to introduce and develop the concept of Underground Farming.
This innovative approach towards farming
involves consideration of various technical aspects, requirements, future
trends and ethical questions in the food industry. Participants openly
discussed these issues and finally concluded that an underground agricultural
production could offer numerous advantages with respect to environment, climate
and logistics.
SCAUT consortium launches 'Underground Green Farming' prototype
using Aquaponic technology
On February 6th, 2019 the 'Underground Green Farming'
prototype for a sustainable food production by using aquaponics was
commissioned. (Article NEWS) / (www.tagblatt.ch)
Trout and salad from the tunnel
A consortium is looking for new utilisation
concepts for the underground. In an test gallery in Flums, it is currently
breeding fish and growing salads. Is the future of food production Underground?
(Article Ostschweiz am Sonntag) / (PDF)
- only German
SRF, 10vor10, 19. July 2019 - News Underground
Farming with trouts (only
SRF, Kassensturz-Espresso, September 04,
2019 - https://www.srf.ch/sendungen/kassensturz-espresso/regenbogenforellen-und-gemuese-aus-dem-untergrund
ITACUS and SCAUT are working together on an innovative solution for future-proof
cities. Underground green farming to PRODUCE FOOD LOCALLY with zero carbon,
zero waste and zero land-use. Watch the video and learn about this innovative